Tax Lien Investment: The Best and Fastest Way to Make Money
July 19, 2018
Why are Tax Lien and Deed So Confusing
July 22, 2018
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Where are the Online Tax Deed Sales?

Finding online tax deed sales is like looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack.  More so, if you are a first time tax deed buyer.  Maybe, some good steps but will definitely dent you pocketbook, is paying for coaching, going to high-priced seminars or buying their courses.  But after going through all these bright forums, you might end up with a few hundred dollars leftover of your investment money.

Terra International Realty, with a little savvy on this field, will honestly tell you that not all states sell Tax Foreclosed Properties or better known as Tax Deed Sales, online.  In fact, getting the names of the 5 states that conduct online tax deed sales is quite difficult as no websites  will readily make them available.   They are Florida, New York, Wisconsin, Michigan and Washington.  But remember, you need to do your homework as each state has different laws and regulations when it comes to tax sales, and again, it is not that easy to get some information freely.

Here is a complete list of tax deed states:

  • Alaska, Arkansas, California, Connecticut,  Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii,  Idaho, Kansas, Maine, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire,  New Mexico, New York,  North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania,  Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee,  Texas,  Utah, Virginia, Washington & Wisconsin.

The following states sell Tax Lien Certificates, with some selling both Tax Deed and Tax Lien:

  • Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming. The District of Columbiais also a tax lien jurisdiction.

Consequently, It’s quite easier to find the websites of online tax lien sales. There are a couple of companies that handle most of these ta sales in the country  and two others that only handle online tax sales in one or two states. Looking for tax deed online sales, as we had pointed out, is more complicated as some states conduct them on their own websites.   These are:

One good thing about Florida is if you are the holder of a Tax Lien Certificate but you do not want to foreclose even if the owner did not redeem his property,   your tax lien adds to a steady supply of tax deeds.  This is  one good reason why Florida can conduct  almost weekly  deed sales  compared to once a year deed sales in other deed states.

Lastly, if you wish to know more about online tax deed sales with helpful step-by-step instructions on how to join the tax sale online, do some preparatory, do the necessary paper works on tax deed properties until finally, bid at the sale.

Tax Lien Investment: The Best and Fastest Way to Make Money
Michael Schuett
Michael Schuett
Michael Schuett is a Real Estate Investor & Entrepreneur. He holds monthly seminars in South East Asia and Europe about Real Estate Investments, Tax Deeds Investing, and Flipping in Emerging Markets and continues to build his own strong Real Estate Portfolio in various cities. His companies are currently holding several properties in Miami, Tampa, Berlin, Hamburg, Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur and have successfully established the first Real Estate Development agency in Thailand.

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