June 24, 2018

Buying Tax Deeds in California

Whether you are buying a tax lien property to use it as your own dwelling place or you are buying to venture into a new investment you just learned recently, it’s best that WE, at Tax Lien Seminar give you […]
June 8, 2018

Which is the better investment: tax lien certificate or tax deed sale?

It has been said that investing in stock and shares, money market and jewelries, specially gold and diamond are good investment as their values continue to rise. But one undeniable fact is that the real estate business seems to outpace […]
May 29, 2018

Florida Tax Lien and Online Deed Sales

Tax lien sales in Florida are completed for the year 2017, specifically in June. Cheer up though because there are many online deed sales all year in Florida. Some counties in Florida conduct sales as often as once a week. […]
May 18, 2018

Tax Deed Sales Affect Homeowners

Government tax deed sales result from unpaid back taxes by a homeowner on his property, in which properties are put into auction for bidders. Doing so enables the government to remedy the tax debt and recover the lost revenues. Nobody […]
May 8, 2018

Get to Know Tax Deed Overages

You probably have not heard of tax deed overages before. Chances are this is a new word to your real estate vocabulary. There are even some tax sale investors who have never encountered tax deed overages. However, for those who […]