July 15, 2018

Tax Lien Certificates Pay Double Digit Interest Rates

To encourage tax-delinquent property owners to pay their past-due taxes, the government charges them interest and/or penalties (think of it like a late fee), which is passed directly to the investor….that’s you! Unlike the stock market, when you buy tax […]
July 14, 2018

Secondary Tax Liens Offer Better Business Opportunities

We have written a number of articles on TAX LIEN investing for the past weeks but a vast area of its ins and outs still remain unexplored. One of these is the SECONDARY TAX LIEN. TAX LIENS SEMINARS hopes that […]
July 13, 2018

What You Need To Know About Redeemable Tax Deed

For potential investors and first-time buyers planning to buy delinquent properties on auction, here are some important things you have to consider before buying a piece of property. Terra International Realty will explain as simply as possible how and what […]
July 12, 2018

Tax Lien Certificates Help Fund Our Communities

Local governments would go bankrupt if they were not able to collect delinquent property taxes. When you buy tax lien certificates you’re helping local communities recover lost tax revenue so they can pay for essential services such as teachers, fireman, […]
July 11, 2018

Tax Lien Certificates Can Fit Nearly Any Budget

The government sells tax lien certificates on all types of real estate including multi-million dollar penthouse suites to vacant vacation lots. Because property taxes account for a small fraction of the value of the property (less than 2%), you can […]